Best Audio Transcription To Grab Attention Instantly

Audio Transcription that instantly make your content more accessible. Captions grab attention and boost engagement – all with a few clicks.


Cree una marca de voz con IA reconocida: ¡con la confianza de los líderes de la industria!

Audio Transcription With Wavel Ai

Imagine where you can easily change your ideas into written words without having to type a lot. Wavel AI makes it simple for you with audio transcription, making your tasks easier and better. You can talk out emails, notes, papers, and more. Whether you're a busy worker, a student jotting down notes, or someone who prefers speaking over typing, our easy-to-use platform allows you to do just that. Say goodbye to tired fingers from typing and try out a video speech to text converter instead. Join in on the future of communication and begin converting speech to text today!



Upload Your Audio

Quickly upload your audio file by simply dragging and dropping it into the designated section of our audio transcription generator. Alternatively, you can easily add the YouTube link for the desired file, enabling the generation of accurate subtitles with ease


Customize and Edit

Select the language of your audio file and then specify the language for your subtitles when using a audio transcription generator. With Wavel AI, you can access over 70 languages. To customize it even further, change how your subtitles look, change the font size, color, alignment, and much more.


Export with Ease

Once the customized video speech to text process is completed, carefully review the generated text. Upon ensuring its accuracy and completeness, click the “download” button to download the transcribed text file in a preferred format such as .srt, .vtt, .pdf, .json, .txt, or .doc.

Encuentre su voz perfecta: explore más de 100 idiomas de voz con IA

Nuestra sólida biblioteca de voz con IA abarca todos los idiomas y acentos del mundo, mientras que nuestra IA generativa de voz replica meticulosamente cualquier voz, idioma o inflexión.

lo que dicen


Keegan D.

Editor de vídeo, pequeñas empresas (50 empleados o menos)


Como editor de video, necesito muchos audios para mi video y también tengo que realizar algunas ediciones con doblaje o partes relacionadas con subtítulos y aquí WavelAi resuelve aproximadamente todos mis problemas en solo unos minutos.


Volkan A.

Gerente Senior de Marketing Digital y Comunicaciones de Marketing


Por el lado de Wavel, utilizamos de manera efectiva opciones para agregar subtítulos a videos y superponer audio en diferentes idiomas en los videos.


Siraj M.

Desarrollo de Negocios para el Mercado Medio


Es fácil de configurar e iniciar en unos minutos. La UI/UX es excelente y simplifica la administración de archivos.


Roberto Mazzoni


Una plataforma de doblaje y traducción de vídeos encima del corte
El equipo está realmente dedicado a desarrollar la mejor plataforma de doblaje y traducción de videos disponible.


Roberto Gómez Ledesma


Es muy preciso, es una locura lo rápido que evoluciona la tecnología y cosas que hace un tiempo parecían imposibles ahora son posibles.


Preguntas frecuentes

Is Wavel AI\'s audio transcription service truly free? wavel
Yes, Wavel AI offers a free plan that allows you to transcribe a limited amount of audio content. This is a great way to test out the service and see if it meets your needs.
What are the limitations of the free plan? wavel
The free plan typically has limitations on the amount of audio you can transcribe per month or per file. There might also be restrictions on features like advanced editing or faster processing times.
How long are my free transcripts stored on Wavel AI? wavel
This depends on Wavel AI's specific policy, so it's best to check their website for details. However, some free plans might have a limited storage duration for your transcripts.
What audio file formats can I use with the free transcription? wavel
Wavel AI's free plan likely supports popular audio formats like MP3, WAV, and M4A. You can find confirmation of supported formats on their website.
Can I transcribe audio in multiple languages with the free plan? wavel
While Wavel AI offers over 70 languages for transcription, the free plan might only support a limited number of languages.
Is there a watermark on transcripts generated with the free plan? wavel
Some free plans might include a watermark on the generated transcripts. This watermark usually disappears if you upgrade to a paid plan.
How accurate are transcripts generated with the free plan? wavel
Wavel AI's free plan likely uses the same core speech recognition technology as their paid plans. However, accuracy can be affected by factors like audio quality and background noise.